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Policy 5208 - Critical Incident

A critical incident is defined as an intolerable situation, an unstable condition, or a sudden change that disrupts the normal operation of an individual, group, organization, or community, and demands immediate attention and resolution.

Schools/sites are often affected by critical incidents that occur both within the school/site and also the community at large. Incidents such as those listed below, can have a tremendous impact on students, staff, parents, and other members of the community. 

  • Fire 
  • Death/Serious Illness 
  • Suicide 
  • Inclement Weather / Power Outage 
  • Earthquake 
  • Intruders 
  • Bomb Threat 
  • Medical / Mental Health Emergencies 
  • Hazardous Material Spill / Explosion 
  • Missing Student 
  • Violence / Weapons / Threats

Some critical incidents affect only one school or site: other critical incidents may be more widespread and affect more than one location, possibly requiring intervention of district, emergency and/or community services. 


Although it is not possible to anticipate every contingency that may arise in a critical incident situation, being prepared by planning, organizing and implementing critical incident response strategies will help to minimize the potential for injury, loss of life, property damage and trauma.

Each school and site is required to have a comprehensive plan for critical incident response in order to be well prepared for emergent situations. The plan should include a thorough assessment of potential hazards, regular drills, as well as an awareness and communication of the procedures to be used in order to maximize the safety and well- being of staff, students and the public.


In cooperation with the City of Surrey and the Provincial Emergency Program, the Surrey Board of Education has agreed to designate certain schools to be used by the community in the event of an emergency.


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