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Procedure 8901.2 - Extended Field Studies



An extended field study is defined as a field study which involves absence from the Lower Mainland for more than three (3) days or international travel, air travel, or is a high-risk activity (e.g. horseback riding, skiing/snowboarding, tubing, river rafting).
Extended field studies involve additional risks and accordingly, additional caution must be exercised. These risks may include, but are not limited to:
a)Travel conditions;
b)Group living 24 hours per day;
c)Language, custom and cultural differences;
d)Travelling in areas with a different social infrastructure;
e)Varying outdoor conditions; and
f)Inherent dangers of some activities.

Note: Regulation #8901.4 – Field Studies to Ski/Snowboard Areas includes additional information and requirements for field studies to ski/snowboarding areas.



The extended field study application is a 2-step approval process that has been established to enable systematic planning, review and approval by the principal and assistant superintendent.
To allow sufficient time for planning and review, the following timelines have been established for step two district approval:
  • International travel or air travel within Canada: Not less than three months before trip commences.
  • All other extended field studies: Not less than six weeks before the trip commences

Exceptions to these timelines can be made by assistant superintendents for unique circumstances (e.g. teams qualifying for championship tournaments or events).

Step One of Approval
Educators sponsoring extended field studies must obtain the signed preliminary approval of both the principal and the assistant superintendent before communicating with parents, making commitments or commencing fundraising. Preliminary approval is documented on a A copy of this application is to be forwarded first to the principal for preliminary approval, and then from the principal to the assistant superintendent for preliminary approval.
Before approving the Preliminary Extended Field Study Application; the principal will ensure that the proposal:
a)Has substantive educational rationale;
b)Has a duration and number of days absent from school which is reasonable; (General Guideline: Maximum number of days for an extended field study is five (5) school days and fourteen (14) days in total. Guideline can be exceeded with the approval of the principal and the assistant superintendent.)
c)Is co-ordinated with the overall school program, and considers the learning needs and educational program delivery of the other classes remaining in the school;
d)Appears to be a safe activity for the planned group;
e)Has had an appropriate safety assessment and, if necessary, has a follow up safety plan;
f)Is not a prohibited activity or does not involve travel to an area where the Government of Canada has published a travel advisory which recommends avoiding travel to that country or region;
g)Has appropriate travel (including all modes of transportation to be used during the trip) and activity arrangements. Field studies involving travel outside of British Columbia or requiring air travel must be arranged through a travel service provider pre-approved by the district unless written approval is obtained by an assistant superintendent to waive this requirement;
h)Establishes criteria for appropriate access and eligibility;
i)Is affordable for the intended group and is co-ordinated with the overall school plans for fundraising;
j)Has appropriate business and financial arrangements established for the trip including collection and distribution of funds per school district policy, travel contracts, and out of province medical insurance coverage;
k)Has the required trip cancellation insurance. Trip cancellation insurance is required for all field studies that include air travel unless waived by an Assistant Superintendent. Trip cancellation insurance must be purchased for each participating student and supervisor. For other field studies, trip cancellation insurance should be purchased when there is a significant cost to the student, parent/guardian, or school and there is a risk of losing these funds if the field study is cancelled;
l)Has a prudent plan of student supervision (see Regulation #8901.1 - Student Field Studies - General, section 8);
m)Provides for appropriate communications to parents, guardians, students, teachers, staff and volunteers on the plans, risks, and financial arrangements, as the basis of providing informed consent to be involved; and
n)Provides for appropriate pre-travel preparations and the establishment of expectations with students and all other participants.

Step Two of Approval
The Educator-in-Charge will complete and submit the attached form to obtain endorsement.
The principal will review the Final Extended Field Study Application form before approving it to ensure that it is diligently completed and the field study is well planned, has inherent and substantive educational value, and addresses the considerations in this policy and regulation.
Upon the principal’s endorsement, the final application will be forwarded to the assistant superintendent for consideration and approval.



The selection of supervisors for extended field studies must address the following considerations in addition to the general supervisor selection considerations identified in Regulation #8901.1 - Student Field Studies - General, section 8:
a)Field studies outside of Canada, and field studies involving activities or locations which may require First Aid (e.g. higher-risk activities or remote locations), will include at least one supervisor who is qualified to provide First Aid;
b)Field studies outside of Canada and the United States will, wherever possible, include at least one supervisor or guide who has first-hand knowledge of the customs and culture of the country being visited;
c)A staff sponsor or Educator-in-Charge is required for events involving overnight travel unless waived by the Superintendent of Schools; and
d)The primary responsibility of all staff members and supervisors who are participating in extended field studies is the care and supervision of the participating students. Spouses, partners or other family members should not be participating in the field study unless they are also supervisors, and they are paying their own costs to participate. Staff members and supervisors should not be bringing their own children on an extended field study, unless their children attend the school and are part of the clearly defined class or group participating in the field study.
It is required that a meeting of all supervisors and the principal is held to:
a)State who is in charge and define the roles of volunteers;
b)Communicate that for all supervisors and students, the use of alcohol, cannabis or illegal substances is strictly prohibited during field studies regardless of the circumstances, the age of the participants, or local laws, customs and culture;
c)Inform volunteers of appropriate supervision and leadership techniques;
d)Review that students must be supervised 24 hours per day including sleep time and unscheduled time - plans for such supervision must be made well in advance of travel;
e)Discuss consistency in the application of guidelines, rationale, responsibilities, expectations and follow-up;
f)Discuss the issue of smoking and/or vaping and provide clear expectations that will be consistently applied throughout the field study;
g)Define a critical incident plan to deal with health, financial or discipline emergencies that could arise, which includes arrangements for communication between the Principal, supervisors, and all parent/guardians;
h)Agree on what type of behaviour will be deemed inappropriate for both students and supervisors; and
i)Agree on the consequences of inappropriate behaviour.

Note: The use of volunteer supervisors is governed by Policy #10310 – School Volunteers and Regulation #10310.1 – School Volunteers.



A meeting of all involved (staff, supervisors, students and parents/guardians) in the extended field study, must be called to:
a)Discuss student behaviour, discipline and their role as ambassadors of the school district;
b)Discuss student behaviour, discipline and their role as ambassadors of the school district;
c)Distribute a written statement of expectations about student behaviour;
d)Distribute a written statement outlining the possible consequences and liabilities of inappropriate behaviour;
e)Discuss any potential risks and plans to minimize those risks;
f)Define how the identifiable school unit is to be maintained during travel;
g)Communicate the actions which will be taken should a serious problem emerge in relation to health, finances or discipline; and
h)Discuss the financial matters as outlined in 5.0.

Note: A record of this meeting is to be retained with the field study documentation.



Before any parent/guardian or student financial contributions are accepted, parents/guardians must be notified, in writing, that should the travel have to be cancelled for any reason, the district is not responsible for any costs incurred.
Financial arrangements for staff and volunteer travel costs must be transparent and shared with parents and guardians, including the use of any “free” tickets and the accruing of travel benefits earned from the group’s travel.
Funds raised by all participants (educators, students and supervisors) for an extended field study will first be used to benefit students and secondly for the benefit of other participants.
Expenses of Teachers Teaching on Call must be clearly described. Department Head Release days are generally not considered appropriate for coverage during extended field studies.
Organizers of extended field studies must abide by Policy #7213 – Conflict of Interest. As it pertains to field studies, educators and supervisors will not benefit financially or through the attainment of goods/services for organizing and planning field studies.
Educators-in-charge, staff, or other supervisors should not be using personal credit cards for field study payments (with the exception of emergent expense which may arise during the field study). Any payments a school makes for an extended field study must be made by cheque from a school account or by P-Card.
An accounting of all funds related to an extended field study must be provided to the principal within two weeks of completion of the travel.


2002-02-19 (Regulation #8901.2)
1996-07-11 (Regulation #8901.3)
1991-05 (Regulation #8902.1)
1990-01 (Regulation #8902.1)
X-Ref:Policy #7213
Reg. #8901.1

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